Shop Bio Body Ideal Weight programmes

*NB from September 1, 2024, our unique 13-Day programme will no longer be for sale. It will only be available with accompanied coaching.  Please ensure you make any 13-Day product purchases before September 1, 2024. Thank you. 

*NB from September 1, 2024, our unique 13-Day programme will no longer be for sale. It will only be available with accompanied coaching  Please ensure you make any 13-Day product purchases before September 1, 2024. Thank you. 

  • HCG Diet New Zealand drops pilules spray 13 Day Bio Body Weight Loss HCG Diet New Zealand
    The 13-Day Fast Track is ideal for you if you want to be up to 7kg lighter and leaner; You are busy socially and want quick results in a narrow timeframe; You have a special event you'd like to lose weight for "yesterday"; Your favourite item of clothing feels too tight; Your Ideal Weight is a few kgs lighter than what the scales are currently telling you.
  • HCG Diet New Zealand drops pilules spray 26 Day Bio Body Alignment Weight Loss
    The 26-Day Bio Body Ideal Weight programme is ideal for you if: You want to be about 7-12kg lighter and leaner; You'll stick with a longer program if you get good weight loss results; You might have more weight to lose but want to start somewhere; Your favourite clothing is hidden at the back of your wardrobe; You know that NOW is the time to do something that works.
  • HCG Diet New Zealand drops pilules spray 40 Day Bio Body Alignment Weight Loss
    The 40-Day Extended Bio Body Ideal Weight alignment programme - single formula options - choose from 3 different formulations.
  • Enjoy our HCG cookbook, prepared by our own foodie Marie McAuley - an award winning cafe owner. Marie prepared both the Weight Loss and Consolidation cookbooks as she journeyed to lose 22kg herself. Great food and tastes that make it easy to stick with the Bio Body Ideal Weight programmes.
  • Carb Craver +PLUS Leptin
    Increases leptin sensitivity so the body doesn't store fat. Ideal for use after dieting or when you know you'll be over indulging and don't want your eating to be reflected on the bathroom scales.